Kamis, 08 Oktober 2015

There is and There Are

"There is/ there are" digunakan untuk menerangkan sesuatu yang diketahui ada/exists atau berada pada lokasi tertentu (in a certain location).
Coba perhatikan kedua kalimat berikut:
1. There is a book in the bag.
2. There are 2 appples on the table.
3. There are 2 pens.
Pada kalimat pertama, subjeknya adalah "book" dan berbentuk tunggal/singular, oleh karena itu kita harus memakai "there is".
Pada kalimat ke-dua, "apples" adalah subjek dan berbentuk plural/jamak, oleh karena itu kita memakai "there are".
perlu diketahui bahwa pada kalimat tersebut "is, are" berfungsi sebagai kata kerja.
Berikut bentuk-bentuk “there is dan there are” dalam kalimat Simple Present.
Kalimat positif
There’s a tree in my garden.
There are books on the desk. (‘there are’ tidak memiliki singkatan)
Kalimat negatif There isn’t a computer in my bedroom.
There aren’t any cinemas here.

PertanyaanIs there a restaurant here?Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t
There is digunakan bersama kata benda tunggal.
"There isa bookon the table"
Jadi sesudah "there is" tidak boleh dimasukan kata benda jamak, melainkan harus kata benda tunggal ( Singular noun) atau kata benda yang tidak bisa dihitung ( uncountable noun).
Contoh lainnya:
There is an apple.
There is water in the kitchen.
There is a pen in my bag.
There are digunakan bersama kata benda jamak.
*.There are two magazines on the desk.
*.There are somebooksin my bag.
*.There are 2boysin the room.
Contoh lain dalam kalimat negatif.
There is not a book in my bag.
There is not a pen in my bag.
There is not an apple on the table.
There are not two magazines on the desk.
There are not many books in my bag.
There are not 2 boys in the room.
Contoh lain dalam kalimat tanya:
Is there a book in your bag? Yes, there is/ No, there is not.
Are there 2 boys in the room? Yes, there are/ No, there are not.
Are there 10 pencils in your perncil case? Yes, There are/ No, there are not.
Is there an apple on the table? Yes, there is/ No, there is not.
Contoh penggunaan dalam percakapan
1)Tyler, do you like London?
Sure, there are lots of restaurants and shops, and there are a lot of beautiful parks and museums as well.
I really want to live there.
Me too!
2)Hey, this is a great apartment.
Thanks. There’s a lot of space, and there are some really nice neighbors as well.
Are there any stores near here?
Sure, there is a supermarket near here.
You have a great view!
Right. There’s only one problem.
What’s that?
It’s really expensive!
Semoga bermanfaat....
sumber : Belajar Bahasa inggris (percakapan)

2 komentar:

  1. Really good this article..Thanks dek..

  2. hehe ini juga nyari2 ka di google . mau ngetik sendiri cape juga belom lg sibuk kerja and kuliah ..
